-1/APg -1/MeGo (anatomic) -1/NB -1i/APg -1i/NB +1/NA +1/NL +1/SN +1i/APg +1i/NA A/N II FH ANB Angle SNA Angle SNB Bjork (anatomic) Co-A Co-Gn Facial axis FH/ML FH/NA FH/NPg Gonial angle (anatomic) H-Line - Li' Interincisal angle Length of lower lip Length of upper lip Li'/E-line Lower lip thickness Ls/E-line Max-Mand diff. Me-ANS - ANS-SOr N-S-Ar Nasolabial angle Nose tip to upper lip Pg-Pg' Pg/N II FH Pg/NB Pn'/H-line S-Ar-Go Sn'/H-Line UAFH/LAFH Upper lip thickness Upper tooth to lip relationship Wits Y/SN